Wedding Ceremony at Royal Orchid Ballroom, Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers



Sqn. Ldr. Tawon Chanapai (5th left) was recently the guest of honor at the wedding ceremony of Ms. Tara Chanapai daughter of Mr. Pandit – Mrs. Jill Chanapai (1st and 2nd right) and Mr. Nikhil Rattanaphas son of Mr. Deepak – Mrs. Geeta Rattanaphas (1st and 2nd left). The wedding ceremony was held at Royal Orchid Ballroom, Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers

Photo showed from left:
1. Mr. Deepak Rattanaphas
2. Mrs. Geeta Rattanaphas
3. Mr. Nikhil Rattanaphas
4. Ms. Tara Chanapai
5. Sqn.Ldr.Tawon Chanapai
6. Mrs. Jill Chanapai
7. Mr. Pandit Chanapai