True Group Jointly Hands Over 402 Computer Notebooks for 402 NFE Pondo Teachers in the Five Southern Border Provinces


True Group Jointly Hands Over 402 Computer Notebooks for 402 NFE Pondo Teachers in the Five Southern Border Provinces

The Ministry of Education led by Deputy Minister General Surachet Chaiwong (9th from right) together with the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education (NFE) represented by Mr. Karoon Sakulpradit (6th from left), Permanent Secretary, the Ministry of Education and Mr. Kritchai Aroonrat (8th from right), Secretary-General, NFE, handed over 402 computer notebooks supported by True Group under Trueplookpanya Project to 402 NFE Pondo teachers in the five southern border provinces in Thailand, comprising Pattani, Yala, Narathiwas, Songkhla and Satul. On this occasion, Dr. Naetchanok Wipatasinlapin, Director of Education & Academic Affairs, True Corporation Plc joined the ceremony and gave moral support to the Pondo teachers in the southern border provinces.

The event is a following step after the computer notebook presentation ceremony in February 2018. Through the support of the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education (NFE), True Group presented the notebooks to the Ministry of Education in order to hand over them to the Pondo teachers at 396 Pondo schools in the five southern border provinces in Thailand. The equipment is aimed to provide teachers a tool in accessing to information and knowledge sources in the digital era equally, in accordance to the government’s policy to support education in every part of Thailand. It is also aimed as a tool for the teachers in organizing NFE teaching method and doing report effectively so that they can prepare their students in continuing their education in a higher level.