Time to try Tai Chi? Then give LifeStyles on 26 a go!


LifeStyles on 26, located at Centara Grand at CentralWorld, is a fully-equipped gym and fitness center providing a range of fun, calorie-burning classes every day for both members and non-members.

If you’re looking for something a little bit different from your usual yoga or high-intensity interval classes, we suggest you try out one of our more unusual – but just as rewarding Tai Chi classes. These run every Thursday here at LifeStyles on 26 from 07.00 – 08.00 hrs. and cost just THB 400 – an invigorating and fun way to kick off your day!

Originating from ancient China, Tai Chi is a form of exercise that strengthens both mind and body. With a professionally-trained instructor, the classes help you to focus on your breathing to generate internal energy, mindfulness, and loosen up muscles and joints.

With its stress-busting effects, this peaceful exercise activity proves popular all over Asia, particularly during the early morning (when the temperature isn’t too hot) in the city parks of Japan, China, Singapore and Korea.

To find out more about Tai Chi or any of our other classes here at LifeStyles on 26, please call 02-100-6299.

Find out more about LifeStyles on 26 below:
Website: www.centarahotelsresorts.com/centaragrand/cgcw/services
Facebook: Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld
Instagram: Centaragrand_Centralworld
Twitter: Centara Grand at CTW