The Modern Secret of Increasing Online Conversion Rates

Although calls to action (CTA) are appreciated among marketing experts for the great results they achieve, CTA on websites is still an underused tool. With the help of new technology and specialized algorithms, companies such as f-code (Thailand) Co., Ltd. are going to change this once and for all and help companies unlock the full potential of their web presence.
Many of today’s website owners have understood the importance of dialog boxes and opt-in forms on their pages. They give them the chance to interact with their visitors and collect their e-mail addresses. With the help of a new system created by the Japanese company f-code Inc., these simple opt-in forms can now be transformed into powerful calls to action (CTA) that can be used for purposes far beyond simply collecting e-mail addresses.

By using a highly-specialized procedure and cutting-edge technology, the team at f-code have developed customizable CTAs that significantly improve online conversion rates, be it on an e-commerce site, a booking engine or an information page. This new type of system opens up a range of possibilities as it can be programmed to recognize first-time and repeat visitors and can display messages that are tailored to their previous experience and behavior on the website. While first-time visitors might be prompted for an e-mail address, repeat visitors will receive a message about products they could be interested in based on their earlier searches, increasing the possibility that site visitors will end up making a purchase.

Another way to leverage this application is to reduce the bounce rate and increase session time. Since the algorithm can be set up to recognize when a person gets ready to leave the page, a message can pop up to suggest them something they could be interested it, be it a particular article or a product they looked at before. This can greatly improve the click-through rate and ultimately boost sales as people spend more time browsing and see more things they could be interested in.
Currently, adding CTAs is still a secret ingredient to making a website convert better, giving those who choose to use it now a strong competitive advantage. This advantage can be further magnified by working with market leaders in this field, such as f-code Thailand who continuously work on refining and further developing their systems to ensure their clients experience the highest possible ROI.
“At f-code, we use one-of-a-kind technology to increase conversion rates in many different ways such as growing an e-mail list or boosting sales. With our algorithm, it is possible to create custom solutions for every situation and get website visitors to take very specific actions. Since this innovative technique is not yet widely used, early adopters will have a significant advantage over their competitors and their bottom lines will clearly reflect that,” explains Mr. Shimada, Managing Director of f-code(Thailand) Co., Ltd.

For further information and images please contact:
Ruksina (Ning) Supatnuntakul Midas Communications International Co, Ltd.
E-mail: ruksina@midas-pr.com Phone: +66 80 304 88 70 Website: www.midas-pr.com

About f-code Thailand Co., Ltd.: For the past ten years, f-code Inc. has been providing web marketing consulting services in Japan and started providing user interface optimization tools in 2012.Through specialized new technology, f-code has been able to improve its customers’ website performance significantly with a minimum investment of time and funds. By creating personalized solutions f-code has assisted over 2000 companies in Japan with their web marketing services and is has started expanding its business to ASEAN by opening its first subsidiary in Thailand in February 2016.