Farewell Dinner for Dr. Nazim Latif At Dusit Thani Bangkok

H.E. Dr. Sohail Khan, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan hosted a dinner at Library 1918 of Dusit Thani Bangkok to bid farewell to Dr. Nazim Latif, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan after completion of his working term in Thailand.
Picture Shows: (from Left) Udom Chariyavilaskul, Senior Advisor of Thai Frozen Foods Association; Dhavadh Sae-Chiu, Chairman of Advisory Board of Thai Leathergoods Association; Suriya Prateepmanowong, President of Thai Leathergoods Association; Amporn Kanjanakumnerd, Honorary Investment Counsellor of Pakistan; Dr. Nazim Latif; H.E. Dr. Sohail Khan; Chanaphan Jungroongruangkit, Vice President of Thai Summit Group; Apachnee Rukskul, Director of South Asia Section, Bureau of Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe, Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand; Dr. Sombat Thiratrakoolchai, Chairman of Thai-Pakistan Business Council (TPBC) and Tak Sriratanobhas, Secretary General of Thai-Pakistan Business Council (TPBC)