“Sautéed Lobster with Chardonnay Light Cream Sauce”



“Sautéed Lobster with Chardonnay Light Cream Sauce”

The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel Bangkok proudly offers a new Signature dish “Sautéed Lobster with Chardonnay Light Cream Sauce”. Enjoy with the best tasting in the secret recipe at Grotto Restaurant Champagne and Wine Bar, from now until July 31, 2016.
Grotto Restaurant Champagne and Wine Bar offers superior menu “Sautéed Lobster with Chardonnay Light Cream Sauce”. Enjoy the delicious selected ingredients such as Sautéed Lobster with Vegetable, Chardonnay Light Cream Sauce by professional chef at price THB 1,200++ per dish. Serve every day 16.00 – 01.00 hrs.

For reservations please call 02-378-8000 ext. 4048.