Saha Group Fair holds “His & Her” Pre Sale Day


Boonkiet Chokwatana, Chairman (Middle) and Mr. Thamarat Chokwatana, President and Vice Executive Chairman (2nd from right) of I.C.C. International Plc along with Pranot Vesaruchavit, Vice President Division R, His & Her Membership (2nd from left) hold a special promotional campaign His & Her Pre Sale Day for His & Her Plus Point card holders at the 22nd Saha Group Fair. Only His & Her Plus Point Card can buy of Saha Group’s consumer products at special prices with special promotion and other rewards on June 27th, 2018 during 10.00 – 18.00 at Hall 98 – 99, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

From Left to right

1. Dr. Muthita Thaweekarnthai, Assistant Vice President Division R, His & Her Membership, I.C.C. International Plc

2. Mr. Pranot Vesaruchavit, Vice President Division R, His & Her Membership, I.C.C. International Plc

3. Mr. Boonkiet Chokwatana, Chairman, I.C.C. International Plc

4. Mr. Thamarat Chokwatana, President and Vice Executive Chairman, I.C.C. International Plc

5. Ms. Kityaporn Chaithavornsathien, Vice President of Daks, I.C.C. International Plc
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Kanokrat and Friends Co., Ltd. (PR Consultancy firm)
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