NLMI appointed Darling Mattress Khorn Kan to market latex products in China – Hong Kong


NLMI appointed Darling Mattress Khorn Kan to market latex products in China – Hong Kong

Daring Mattress Khorn Kan Co. Ltd. , leading Thai manufacturer of mattresses and bedding products by Pensri Champreeda the Managing Director, has been appointed by Natural Latex Mattress Industry (Thailand) or NLMI by Phaisarn Jaroongkeeratiwong the Managing Director , to market the Thai wholly natural latex mattress and pillow in Greater China and Hong Kong.

NLMI is a class Green Industry Level 2. Her products passed both the stringent DIN EN1957 test and the Thai Industrial Standard Institute (TISI). The company is ISO certified under the prestigeous BSI UK verification. NLMI continues to develop and innovate Thai latex products with the help of Rubber Technology Research Center , Mahidol University. She won the Green Product Award from Thailand Environmental Advisory Association as well. For more detail please contact : For Darling mattress detail, please contact: