‘KTC’ supports self development by joining hands with ‘SkillLane’ in offering special deal for online course registration via www.SkillLane.com


“KTC” or Krungthai Card Public Company Limited, jointly with “SkillLane,” the bestdigital learning platform for professionals with over 500 courses led by over 400 expert instructors and leading institutions with real-life experience, provide KTC credit cardmembers special privileges. Cardmembers receive 300 Baht discounts instantly by enrolling in online courses valued at 2,000 baht per transaction via www.SkillLane.com with the “KTCSKL300” discount code from November 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020.

“SkillLane” or Thailand’s leading Digital Learning Platform allows personnel access to knowledge with an emphasis on skills that are on-demand to aid and make working and life skills more efficient. Participants are able to choose courses as they please, even with only 15 minutes of free time daily. There are currently online courses covering 15 categories, including Investments, Real Estate, Business, Marketing, Self-Improvement, Languages, Computer and Lifestyle. Classes are taught by expert instructors and leading institutions including Lukkade-Metinee, Adam Bradshaw, KruNgor-Rossukon Kongkate, Krating- RuangrojPoonpol, Pat-Pawawit Klinpratoom, Yong-Thumrongchai Thamrongchai Eakamornwong, 2Morrow Group, SCBS, SCG, AIS The StartUp, etc.

Moreover, KTC cardmembers redeem for up to 12% credit cash backs with the usage of KTC FOREVER points equivalent to the amount of the online transaction and earn up to 12x KTC FOREVER points (1x regular point and 11x special points) simply by making transactions and register for the promotion at www.ktc.co.th/shoponline only on November 11, 2019 and December 12, 2019.

For more information, contact KTC PHONE02 123 5000or get updates on other KTC online promotions at www.ktc.co.th/shoponline, the largest source for commercial alliance discount codes. To register for a KTC credit card, click link: http://bit.ly/2uPcS19 or visit any “KTC TOUCH” branches. #UnlimitedBlissful with KTC Card.