Gloria Jean’s Coffees, Ready in the coffee shop market in a gas station.


“Gloria Jean’s Coffees”, the world-class coffee, penetrates the Thai coffee market, Announcing fight to share with the Share Market Battle, Ready in the coffee shop market in a gas station.

“Primo Food and Beverage” Copyright ownerof Gloria Jean’s Coffees, The Coffee House Premium grade, world class standard from Australia, with more than 800 branches in 50 countries around the world, moving forward to penetrate the fresh coffee market in Thailand. With specially selected coffee beans only 100% Arabica varieties from all over the world that are most famous, to quality coffee in the hands of customers, open a marketing strategy by inviting M.L. Chiratorn Chirapravati, the famous drawing artist to co-designed the pattern on the ceramic coffee cup, Gloria Jean’s Coffee, the limited edition collection. Ready to separate the sub brand, invade the fresh coffee market in the gas station on the Caltex Gas Station, targeting a total of 30 branches throughout Thailand in 2019.

Ms. Rojana Homsin, Director of Operations, Primo Food and Beverage Co., Ltd., the copyright owner of Gloria Jean’s Coffees, Thailand, said, ” Gloria Jean’s Coffees is a coffee House brand, world class premium standard, origin from Australia. Customers have a passion for the art of coffee, a brand that is dedicated to getting the best coffee with the story of travel to search for specialty coffee beans, only 100% Arabica varieties from all over the world to quality coffee in the hands of customers.
At present, the coffee shop business in Thailand considered as a business with a high growth rate and coffee is a well-known beverage in Thailand for a long time, but the characteristics, popularity and behavior of Thai coffee drinkers, there are more specific characteristics that different from foreigners. But with confidence in the quality of the brand Gloria Jean’s Coffees, with the same quality control standards throughout the world from selection of species, to the roasting process under the control of a coffee expert, to get the coffee beans that give a unique flavor and flavor from each source completely and will be packed in special packaging which the air cannot enter inside the bag. Allowing consumers to be confident that every coffee or every cup you drink, giving freshness and it is the same standard that everyone around the world drinks.

In addition, Gloria Jean’s Coffees has also collaborated with the Rainforest Alliance to support the conservation and protection of wildlife, natural vegetation, ecology and environment, also promote the creation of housing, provide education in production and the creation of a career for local communities in many countries. With such cooperation, Gloria Jean’s coffees choose to use more than 85% coffee from farms that have been approved by the Rainforest Alliance Certified, which can be seen from the symbol that is attached on every package. For this reason, our company Primo Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. has decided to own the copyright Gloria Jean’s Coffees Thailand in 2007 or 2550. At present, we already have 12 branches in Thailand.

“Ms. Rojana continued,” For sales promotion, we also have product media to stimulate sales which is another special that Gloria Jean’s Coffees Thailand intends to give, to be honored by M.L. Chiratorn Chirapravati, or Kru To, the famous drawing artist to design a line of work on the limited edition collection of ceramic cup products for Gloria Jean’s Coffees Thailand, there are 2 designs for collection.

In addition, we have expanded our business into a franchise business which is another interesting channel for those who want to do this business, that we see the premium coffee shop business as an investment business because the business opportunities are still open by considering only premium coffee shops that can be seen that, the sales volume is increasing continuously with the behavior of consumers turning to drink coffee roasted instead of instant coffee and have more meticulous selection of products, to plus the quality of our brand products, therefore ensuring that the premium fresh coffee business will definitely change the behavior of Thai coffee consumption with an initial investment of 2.1 million baht, prepare to be the owner of Gloria Jean’s Coffees business immediately.”

Ms. Rojana continued, “For the end of the year 2019, in addition to the premium fresh coffee business Coffee shop business in gas stations considered as a growing business and have a very interesting income, so we separated the product to 1 additional product line,”EXPRESSO by Gloria Jean’s”, to penetrate the new generation of travelers with a distinctive, flexible and modern lifestyle that is fascinated by the charm of the smell and taste of coffee, both have an opportunity for investors who are interested in the coffee shop franchise business in gas stations, to use the initial investment of only 1.4 million baht to be the owner of EXPRESSO BY Gloria Jean’s brand coffee shop as well. And this year, there are special promotions for those interested in buying the Expresso by Gloria Jean’s franchise within the year 2019.

For the first step of this brand, we are honored by important business partners like Chevron (Thai) Co., Ltd., with the franchise coffee shop in Caltex gas stations nationwide with plans to expand at least 30 branches within the year 2019″

“EXPRESSO BY Gloria Jean’s is a coffee shop that the company has collaborated with Caltex in the new development, to serve a selection of premium quality coffee at a price that consumers can access, which has a unique identity and also invented a special signature menu that appeals to travelers like Extreme Expresso With a taste that is fragrant, intense and sweetengagingto Thai people as well as bakery and various kinds of desserts such as puff pie and soft cake, fresh made sandwiches, various toast, etc. To be opened for service only in Caltex gas stations in Thailand. The concept of decorating the shop, including the color theme, still has a decorative design in a style that is consistent with the Gloria Jean’s Coffees brand, with emphasis on warmth, to immerse yourself in a friendly atmosphere with a relaxing corner, photography or chilling work corner and free Wifi service to meet every group of customers of all ages.”

“In addition, EXPRESSO BY Gloria Jean’s also organized a special promotion during the opening of new branches in all branches. To participate in the activity, click Like & Share on Facebook: Expresso By Gloria Jean’s to receive promotions to buy drinks at prices. Special, promotion, bring your own glasses, discount immediately 5 baht, all branches and there are many other promotions. In addition, consumers will also receive convenience in paying for services with QR Code or Prompt Pay which can fully meet the current lifestyle of consumers in line with the Smart Value for All vision of Caltex.”

“EXPRESSO BY Gloria Jean’s in Caltex Gas Station considered as the first collaboration with the Energy Business Alliance which hopes to help fulfill the needs of today’s consumers. EXPRESSO BY Gloria Jean’s is not just a coffee shop, but we are ready to serve and offering good experiences with relaxation during the trip for consumers, all travelers, according to the concept, fulfilling every happiness path with Caltex.

“Commitment to be the first coffee shop in the heart and loved by people around the world is a push for us to find the best and creating the best coffee, there will have to fill the attention of the maker as well, we serve every cup of coffee with the intention and meticulousness. In order to get quality coffee from real intentions and this is the value that Gloria Jean Coffee always proud of, “said Ms. Rojana in the end.

You can experience world-class quality coffee. That is unique with the aroma of premium grade coffee now at Gloria Jean’s Coffees Thailand, all branches. For more information, call 098-936-9891 or click on and Facebook: Gloria Jean’s Coffees Thailand, #GloriaJeansThailand and Facebook: Expresso By Gloria Jean’s