Fit Your Bone Running Workshop



Photo Release Fit Your Bone Running Workshop
Mr.Wisanti Lomtakul ,(middle) Commercial Director and Mrs.Mathuvalee Stithyudhakarn (second from right), Corporate Relations Director, Dutch Mill Co., Ltd hold Fit Your Bone Running Workshop in preparation for runners before participate in “Fit your Bone Run For Healthy bone2016”, a charity walk-run to win a trophy from Her Majesty the Queen in the auspicious occasion of her 7th cycle birthday celebration and on the World Osteoporosis Day on Sunday October 2nd, 2016. Dr.Wipawee Laksanakorn, Specialist Doctor from Thai Osteoporosis Foundation and Kru Din – Sathavorn Chanpongsri, former Thailand national team’s marathon runner will also give lecture at the event at Meeting Room 501. Sukpawa Learning Center Building (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) Rama 4 Road, Bangkok.

From Left to Right
1.Khun Natinee Chanpongsri
2.Kru Din- Sathavorn Chanpongsri, Running Coach and former Thailand national team’s marathon runner
3.Khun Wisanti Lomtakul ,Commercial Director of Dutch Mill Co., Ltd
4.Dr Wipawee Laksanakorn, Specialist Doctor from Thai Osteoporosis Foundation
5. Khun Mathuvalee Stithyudhakarn, Corporate Relations Director, Dutch Mill Co., Ltd
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