f-code Thailand Looks Back at Its Great Start in Thailand in 2016


Even though f-code (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has only been in Thailand for eleven months, they have taken the market by storm and acquired significant market share. Their innovative and successful digital marketing tools have attracted a number of high-profile clients who seek to improve their websites’ performance through f-code’s targeted calls to action (CTA) and their other cutting-edge solutions.
A subsidiary of f-code Inc. in Japan, f-code Thailand started its work in the Kingdom in February 2016. The company offers digital marketing tools that help enhance the performance of company websites in a number of ways. One of their key tools is “f-tra CTA” which significantly reduces the bounce rate and increases the conversion rates of websites. This technology can be applied to a variety of settings, including organizations wanting to build their mailing lists by collecting potential clients’ e-mail addresses or companies wanting to improve the conversion rates of their online sales pages.

This promise has already attracted 15 high-profile customers in the first eleven months of the company’s operations in Thailand, a respectable achievement for a complete newcomer to the Thai market. Current clients include businesses in the online banking, e-commerce and charity sector, that have decided to improve their websites’ performance and trust f-code’s technology to do the trick.
For 2017 f-code has set ambitious goals. They aim to expand their client portfolio to at least 100 companies by widening their reach to an even larger variety of industries such as hospitality, insurance, real estate, recruitment agencies and more. F-code wants to achieve this by deliberately targeting these business segments since they have a strong online presence and desire to increase website conversions. For such cases, the “f-tra CTA” and “f-tra EFO” (Entry Form Optimization) solutions are ideal tools as they are set to engage the website visitors in a way that will encourage them to take the desired action.

Today there is a strong trend towards digital marketing and more and more companies are starting to rely on it to increase their reach and drive sales. The team at f-code believes that this strong movement will continue and help them further increase their market share in 2017. To help potential clients better understand f-code’s products, they are planning to host seminars about digital marketing tools and trends, giving people a chance to see the importance of this new and largely underused opportunity.
“We are delighted that f-code performed so well in its first year of operation in Thailand and that we have already brought 15 great clients on board. With more and more companies focusing on digital marketing and the competition for the customer’s attention getting stronger, more organizations will start looking at our technology to help them improve their website’s performance. This is why we are sure that we can continue f-code’s strong growth in 2017 and keep helping our clients meet their objectives,” says Mr. Shimada, Managing Director of f-code(Thailand) Co., Ltd.

For further information and images please contact:
Ruksina (Ning) Supatnuntakul
Midas Communications International Co, Ltd.
E-mail: ruksina@midas-pr.com
Phone: +66 80 304 88 70
Website: www.midas-pr.com

About f-code Thailand Co., Ltd.: For the past ten years, f-code Inc. has been providing web marketing consulting services in Japan and started providing user interface optimization tools in 2012.Through specialized new technology, f-code has been able to improve its customers’ website performance significantly with a minimum investment of time and funds. By creating personalized solutions f-code has assisted over 2000 companies in Japan with their web marketing services and is has started expanding its business to ASEAN by opening its first subsidiary in Thailand in February 2016.