D’Well Grand Asset unveiled “2016 Digital Strategy”



“D’Well Grand Asset Company Limited” led by Mr. ThavananTanesdechsundhara, Managing Director of D’Well Grand Asset Company Limited, centreMiss PloyjanWitoonchart, Deputy Managing Director on the left and Mr. ThirachonTanesdechsundhara, Deputy Manging Director together unveiled Digital strategy 2016 via online marketing channel, the key marketing strategy in order to reach customer. D’Well is also confident to close sales and transfer of unit ownership of the company’s current projects, D’MemoriaPhaholyothin 8 and D’MuraRatchayothin, as planned in 2016, D’Well plans to launch 2 new projects with a combined value of THB 1.2 billion.The event was held at Vic 3 Hotel , Bangkok.