Duo Love, Duo Lift! Special buddy beauty program by Romrawin


Duo Love, Duo Lift! Special buddy beauty program by Romrawin

Photo Caption: Romrawin aesthetic clinic led by founder and managing director, Ms. KuanrutaiDamrongwattanapokin, recently held the event “Duo Love, Dou Lift” inviting customers to bring their buddy to enjoy Romrawin Beauty treatment at the clinic at Central Festival Chiangmai. From left, Chidjun Hung, Dr.PorjaiPhromchai, Ms. Kuanrutai, Dr.AruneeTongakkaraniroj, andAnchaleeLimlenglert.

For more information, please contact Notablebkk:
Pinnachan Dangulavanich (Pong) at 09 1792 3993l Email: pinnachan@notablebkk.com
AiyarasSitipool (Note) at 0859664156l Email: aiyaras@notablebkk.com

About Romrawin
Romrawin Clinic was founded in 2004 by Ms.KuanrutaiDamrongwattanapokin and Dr.ThanisornThamlikitkul. With the expertise in dermatology and passion in finding the best aesthetic technology for Thai skin, the treatments offering are selected carefully to ensure the success in taken care of beauty from the inside-out which is the origin of timeless youth.

At Romrawin Clinic, we do our best to combine the latest medical technologies, with FDA approval in both Thailand and USA, with cosmeceutical products for the best result of every skin types. Understand that everyone has the uniqueness of beauty, all 25 nationwide branches of Romrawin aim to satisfy our valued customers with the best skin in their own way.