DT Families Foundation and APLMA launch “M2030 Defeating Malaria Together” in Thailand


Mrs. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp, Founder of DTGO Corporation Limited and DT Families Foundation, together with Dr. Benjamin Rolfe, CEO of APLMA (Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance), an affiliation of Asian and Pacific heads of government to accelerate progress against malaria and eliminate it in the region by 2030, officially launched “M2030 Defeating Malaria Together” in Thailand. Mr. Patrik Silborn, Senior Director, Financing & Resource Mobilization of APLMA, Mr. Gerald Teoh, Senior Advisor of The Global Fund, Dr. Wit Soontaranun, President of DT Families Foundation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Singh Intrachooto, Chief Advisor of the Research & Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC), and Mrs. Sasinan Allmand, Executive Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications at DTGO Corporation Limited, participated in the event at Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard.

People from left
1. Mrs. Sasinan Allmand, Executive Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications at DTGO Corporation Limited
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Singh Intrachooto, Chief Advisor of RISC
3. Dr. Wit Soontaranun, President of DT Families Foundation
4. Mrs. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp, Founder of DTGO Corporation Limited and DT Families Foundation
5. Dr. Benjamin Rolfe, CEO of APLMA (Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance)
6. Mr. Patrik Silborn, Senior Director, Financing & Resource Mobilization of APLMA
7. Mr. Gerald Teoh, Senior Advisor of The Global Fund

About DT Families Foundation
The DT Families Foundation is a private charitable foundation with a vision to promote a healthy society and sustainable world where all are actively engaged with full potential and compassion towards others.

APLMA is an affiliation of Asia and Pacific heads of government, formed to accelerate progress against malaria and to eliminate it in the region by 2030. APLMA was created by the East Asian Summit (EAS) leaders in 2013 to further strengthen anti-malaria efforts, both to help protect hard-won national gains and, ultimately, to defeat malaria in the region altogether.
To guide this work, the Asia Pacific Leaders’ Elimination Roadmap sets out the strategic priorities for achieving the 2030 goal.

About M2030
M2030 is a collaborative APLMA initiative, which includes the following current partners:
• DT Families Foundation.
• Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.
• Yoma Strategic Holdings, listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Securities Exchange Trading Limited (SGX-ST), is a leading business corporation with real estate, agriculture, automotive, and luxury tourism businesses in Myanmar.
• Dentsu Aegis Network, a global media group that specialises in media, digital, and creative communications services that innovate the way brands are built.
• Tahir Foundation, a privately funded organization founded by Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir, Chairman of Mayapada Group.
• The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership that mobilizes and invests nearly US$4 billion a year to support programmes run by local experts in countries and communities most in need.

For more information, please kindly contact:
DTGO Corporation Limited, Corporate Marketing and Communications Dept,
Ms. Voradanu Nimmit, VP, Project Communications, E: Voradanu_Ni@dtgsiam.com
Ms. Pantamas Maungratana, VP, Corporate Communications, E: Pantamas_Ma@dtgsiam.com