“depa” Joins Hands with Educational Institutions to Upskill Digital Manpower


“depa” Joins Hands with Educational Institutions to Upskill Digital Manpower

July 10, 2020, depa Building Ladprao – The Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) moves ahead with digital workforce development in collaboration with public and private educational institutions to upskill and enhance capabilities of people working in the public and private sectors as well as new generations. The ultimate goal is to further drive growth in the business sector, which is the key fundamental to leverage the competitive advantage of the country in preparation for transforming into a digital society in the future.

Dr. Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin, President/CEO of depa, said Mr. Buddhipongse Punnakanta, Minister of Digital Economy and Society (MDES), instructed the depa to focus on enhancing the potentials and capabilities of digital people to serve as the key mechanism to drive growth and development of the country. The depa also prioritizes digital skills development and moves forward to promoting and supporting digital literacy and digital knowledge among civil servants and workers in the private sector as well as next-generation people, students and undergraduates.

Therefore, the depa collaborated with educational institutions and the private sector to develop and promote digital skills for people working in the digital and ICT sectors such as strengthening digital skills related to cybersecurity, including elevating the potential of digital personnel in the Data Science and Data Engineering fields.

According to the recent 7th/2020 subcommittee meeting to consider promotion and support on June 26, the subcommittee approved a series of promotion and support for the development of digital personnel and workforce in digital technology and innovation under the depa Digital Manpower Fund in eight projects as follows;

1. Cybersecurity skills enhancement and development project initiated by the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University.

2. Cybersecurity skills enhancement and development project for producing White Hat Hackers initiated by the Extension and Training Office, Kasetsart University.

3.Cybersecurity skills enhancement and development project to provide fundamentals of cybersecurity to gamers. The project is initiated by Sripatum University Business Incubator.

4. Cybersecurity skills enhancement and development project to transform gamers into White Hackers initiated by Sripatum University Business Incubator.

5. Digital skills development project to upskill workers in the Data Science field so that they can efficiently analyze information and manage Big Data for use in organizations. The project is initiated by the Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University.

6. Digital skills development project to enhance the potential of workers in the Data Science field so that they will be able to efficiently analyze information and manage Big Data for use in organizations. The project is initiated by the Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University.

7. Digital skills development project to elevate the potential of workers in the Data Engineering field so that they can efficiently analyze information and manage Big Data for use in organizations. The project is initiated by the Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University.

8. Digital skills development project to reskill and upskill digital personnel under the Angel Investor Readiness Training Program. The project is initiated by the Thailand Management Association (TMA).

Dr. Nuttapon said those digital-driven development projects that received promotion and support from the depa’s subcommittee will serve as the key engines to drive the development of digital manpower, particularly digital personnel that have to deal with cybersecurity. They will learn about how to prevent and tackle various forms of cyber threats and cybersecurity as gamers will be more aware of cybersecurity and will become a good gamer. Meanwhile, programmers will be incubated to become a White Hacker as SME operators will be upskilled to enhance their business performances. Those digital skills development projects can also leverage the capabilities of people working in the Data Science and Data Engineering fields so that they can analyze information and manage Big Data and efficiently apply such digital knowledge for use in their organizations. Such digital skills are fundamentals of steering the competitiveness and elevating the growth potential of Thailand both in terms of economy and society in preparation for the imminent digital society in the near future.
