CPF lifts Thai duck meat standards


Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC (CPF) is lifting Thailand’s duck meat production standards to meet international standards with innovations that will be showcased at Thailand’s first 2019 Duck Meat Quality Conference. These innovations affirm CPF’s leadership as a producer of high-quality and safe duck meat who is ready to help Thai farmers meet international standards and win consumer recognition globally.

Mr.Tanapol Sagulwiwat, Senior Vice President of CPF, said that CPF has emphasized the production and delivery of quality and safe duck meat for Thai consumers. Having been striving to continually improve production standards, CPF ably exports fresh and processed duck meat to the markets where food safety is of great importance. CPF is the only duck producer from Thailand qualified to export its products to the European Union. It is the first and only duck exporter in Asia granted New Zealand’s food safety certificate. Duck products are also exported to Japan, Hong Kong, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

CPF takes its pride in the environmentally-responsible production process in support of sustainable development. CPF’s duck products are the first to win Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)’s carbon footprint label, that indicates the emission level of greenhouse gas from each product throughout its life cycle. The information leads to researches and most efficient use of raw materials, energy and natural resources in light of global warming concerns. Such efforts reaffirms CPF’s goal to mitigate social and environmental impacts deriving from its operations in the long term.

Dr. Payungsak Somyanontanakul, DVM, Vice President of CPF, added that in producing duck meat, CPF has continually sought to meet international standards. The success production model of chicken meat has been applied and improved, to ensure successful production process of duck meat from upstream to downstream.

The process highlights 5 focal points that enable Thailand’s duck meat production to meet international standards: fully-controllable process; advanced and appropriate technology; quality feed meal 100% made of vegetables for ducks at different ages; biosafety farm management that promotes zero use of growth hormones and cage-free farming in closed buildings in support of animal welfare; and focus on social and environmental sustainability under the circular economy concept to address global environmental concerns.

“CPF has shared this knowledge with Thai farmers and helped them deliver high-quality and safe products to consumers, to win consumer recognition; ensure sustainability for farmers, society and the environment; and drive Thailand as a leading global producer of duck meat,” Dr. Payungsak concluded.