CONWOOD Penetrates the Malaysian Market Awarded by Archidex 2016



CONWOOD Co.,Ltd, an affiliation of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (Thailand), led by Mr. Maetee Shoosakarchanai (1st from right), Export Department Manager CONWOOD Co.,Ltd., with the management teams from E.H. Trading Sdn. Bhd. and BMC Marketing Sdn. Bhd., representing the Malaysian office of CONWOOD, recently awarded the best booth at Archidex 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The Best Booth Award is also given annually to showcase the best of a wide selection of beautifully conceptualized booths where the booth presented innovative products as CONWOOD Decorative Panel Array, CONWOOD Decorative Panel Liner and CONWOOD Decorative Deck Liner including the popular products as CONWOOD Deck, Lath and decorative category. During Archidex 2016, the CONWOOD booth received the Bronze award for Best Booth Design in the Open Structure Category.