Christmas Tree Lighting at Centara Grand Beach Resort and Villas Hua Hin


Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin continued a tradition of lighting up the topiary garden with Christmas lights. In doing so the hotel supports underprivileged children from five schools in the local area through donations made by the hotel guests. This year we supported three schools from Hua Hin Municipality and two from Phetchaburi.
During the evening, we wished our guests a joyous and prosperous Christmas as well as giving special thanks for the donations made to supports the local children of these schools.The amount collected this year was considerably higher than previous years.The guests appreciated the glittering Christmas lights of the elephant topiary garden followed by a cocktail reception with Christmas songs by the blind students from DhammikaWittayaschool, under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King. The fabulous tree lighting provided a perfect festive backdrop at the Elephant topiary garden of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin which will be illuminated until 7th January, 2018.

Pictured (right to left) David MartensGeneral ManagerManager Centara Grand Hua Hin, PranomChoophooThe President ofHua Hin Women’s Club, RujprateepDhamarapipat Chief District of Hua Hin, WassanaSrikanjanaPresident of Hua Hin &Chaam Tourism Association, OrasaArwutkomDirector of TAT Prachuabkirikhan,MontreeChoopooDeputy Major of Hua Hin Municipality