Centara Grand Hua Hin’s Elephant Topiary Garden is One of the Most Historical Gardens in Asia


Masayo Miyazaki (middle), President of Nonprofit Organization Japan Topiary Association recently visited Centara Grand Hua Hin for the garden inspection. The purpose of this visit is to learn theparticular tree species such as “Streblus asper Lour” or “Siamese rough bush” and “Bougainvillea” which were made into topiary figures. She presented the book “Topiary for Your New Life &Garden”, published in 2009 which also featured the first Elephant topiary dating back to 1923 (when the hotel was formerly known as the Railway Hotel). Ms. Miyazaki selected the Centara Grand Hua Hin topiary garden as one of the most historicaltopiary gardensin Asia to be included in her new science topiary book. There are over 100 different topiaries in the hotel garden that have been shaped into elephants, birds, geese, peacocks, deer’s, giraffes and other various shapes that have delighted the generations of visitors to the resort. The most colorful time of the topiary garden is during the blooming of the Bougainvillea flowers, which is between January to February each year.

The hotel offers botanical garden tours by our chief gardener each week got guests to learn more about the designs and varieties of the vegetation that makes up the resort landscape. Tours are each Friday from 4 pm.

For more information, please contact 032 512021-38 or email chbr@chr.co.th