Bored of cycling alone? Then LifeStyles on 26 has the perfect class for you!

Let’s face it. Sitting alone on a fitness bike isn’t the most fun way to exercise. Solo peddling – without having any goals or others around to motivate you – can quickly get boring, meaning you’ll be reaching for your phone or heading out the gym door for an early trip home.

To put the excitement back into bike fitness, why not try one of our uplifting “Classes V – Bike”; these 50-minute spinning sessions are held every week at LifeStyles on 26, Centara Grand at CentralWorld.

About Classes V
Using the latest Spinner® Bikes, pumping music, and one of our professional, highly motivating spinning instructors, 50 minutes on the bike will pass by in a flash. The result? Over 500 calories burned – plus some very sweaty gym clothes!

The benefits of taking regular spinning classes are numerous – and can help improve both your physical and mental health.

Combined with a healthy diet, those extra calories burned will contribute to significant weight loss, which means you’ll soon notice a slimmer waistline and firmer muscles.

Also, the entire spinning workout is of moderate-to-high intensity, meaning your heart rate will be elevated for almost an hour. This helps to improve cardiovascular health, increases stamina and can reduce the symptoms of stress and depression.

“Classes V – Bike” is priced at just THB 400 per session (every Thursday from 19.00 – 19.50 hrs.)

Long-term fitness goals
Of course, a 50-minute session is not enough on its own to get these results. Exercising between 3 and 4 times per week is recommended together with a low-calorie, low sugar diet.

Luckily, LifeStyles on 26 has a range of other classes for both members and non-members throughout the week, including boxing, yoga, pilates. You can also make use of our fully equipped gym here on the 26th floor of Centara Grand at CentralWorld.

To find out more about our current membership promotions, please call 02-100-6299.

Find out more about LifeStyles on 26 below:
Website: www.centarahotelsresorts.com/centaragrand/cgcw/services
Facebook: Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld
Instagram: Centaragrand_Centralworld
Twitter: Centara Grand at CTW