AYUD appoints Arnon Opaspimoltum as President & CEO to manage both AYUD and SAGI


Bangkok: AYUD appoints Mr. Arnon Opaspimoltum as President & CEO to manage both Sri Ayudhya Capital PCL or AYUD – a SET listed investment holding company and its subsidiary, Sri Ayudhya General Insurance PCL or SAGI, replacing Mr. Rowan D’Arcy who recently retired.

Mr. Arnon has close to 30 years of extensive experience in the non-life insurance industry. He started out at Thai Reinsurance PCL in 1989 then went on to work with Viriyah Insurance PCL as its Assistant Managing Director. During that time, he developed sales in the non-motor segment resulting in more than Baht 3 billion in premiums. He returned to Thai Re as Chief Operating Officer in 2011 and pioneered the use of GISTDA map to identify potential flooding areas for risk management purposes which was just in time to help with the major flooding Thailand was experiencing. He then returned to Viriyah Insurance PCL as Deputy Managing Director before finally joining AYUD.


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