A Success Story: Ichthy Project By CUEL Limited



On the 14th January 2016, CUEL Ltd completed a 3 year project to construct 151 modules which form part of the Ichthy’s onshore LNG processing plant in Darwin Australia owned and operated by Inpex.

CUEL LTD’s client was JKC, Ichthy’s onshore LNG Joint Venture contractor, consisting of JGC (Japan) KBR Overseas Inc (USA) and Chiyoda Corporation (Japan)

The work comprised of the fabrication and erection of structural steel and pipework amounting to a total of 36,500 tonnes. The Modules were shipped to Darwin in 31 shipments; the first shipment sailed on the 31st May 2014. The modules form part of the inlet facilities, interconnecting utilities, LNG/LPG jetty and main production trains.

The workforce required to produce such a large volume of work in such a short period of time peaked at 4,000 and at the time of the final shipment more than 34 million man-hours had been worked without a Lost Time Injury. This safety performance has been acknowledged by JKC as world class and a major accomplishment on the project.

Despite this being the first LNG project carried out by CUEL Ltd a high level of quality was maintained throughout. JKC have acknowledged how this has facilitated the fit-up of the modules on the Darwin site.

Upon successful completion, CUEL Ltd have been recognized by both JKC and their client, INPEX, for the high quality of the product delivered, achieving the milestones set and for the world class health and safety record achieved.