TMB Credit Card offers you a refund of up to 12,000 Baht and a chance to win a free flight ticket to London and Tokyo from 1 October to 30 November 2018


TMB Credit Card offers you a refund of up to 12,000 Baht and a chance to win a free flight ticket to London and Tokyo from 1 October to 30 November 2018

TMB Credit Card satisfies travellers to fly with more peace of mind with Thai Airways and gain more value when booking through the website Get up to 12,000 Baht / card cash back throughout the campaign (limited to 2 rebates / card). Only have a spending from 15,000-59,999 THB / Slip, get a rebate of 500 Baht, 60,000-119,999 Baht / Sales slip, get a credit of 2,400 Baht, and 120,000 Baht / sales slip, get a cash back of 6,000 baht.

Sign up to receive the privileges by typing TMBTG followed by your last 12 TMB credit card numbers and send it to 4806026. For more information, contact TMB Contact Center at 1558 or

Special! Top-spending customers are eligible to receive a flight ticket for economy class of Thai Airways International, Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) – London (UK), 1 prize (2 seats). Second place will get a flight ticket for economy class, Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) – Tokyo (Japan), 1 prize (2 seatst) from Thai Airways International. Customers must have a spending via during 1 Oct – 30 Nov 61.