Nobody to watch over the children? Then bring them along to Spa Cenvaree’s ‘Spa for Kids,’ Centara Grand at CentralWorld


Longing for some much-needed R&R time at the spa but have nobody to watch over the kids? Then Spa Cenvaree, Centara Grand at CentralWorld has the perfect solution: bring them along with you and let them enjoy the spa experience too!

Our unique ‘Spa for Kids’ is now offering a range of promotional programs that have been tailor-made for children aged 6 to 15. These one-hour sessions promise to revitalize young minds and re-energize tired bodies – providing a comfortable and safe environment for them to be introduced to different massage techniques (albeit, performed slightly more gently than a regular Thai massage…)

Spa Cenvaree’s ‘Spa for Kids’ treatment programs are priced at THB 1,495++ per child; please find the different choices below:

Purifying aromatic head & shoulder massage – ideal to help young Spa-goers to unwind aching muscle as well as release tension in tight shoulders and the upper back.

Teen relaxing hand & foot massage – a deeply refreshing pressure point hand and foot massage to increase blood circulation and promote the flow of energy

Mini-twinkle pedicure & foot massage – an energizing pedicure with peppermint foot exfoliation followed by luscious tropical lotion, leaving young skin velvety smooth; this also includes nail cleaning, trimming and polish (optional for the boys…)

Tropical mango manicure & scalp massage – a fun and uplifting experience with tropical mango and peppermint scrub, concludes with mango shea butter to leave little hands soft and refreshed including express nail treatment to finish

You can easily find Spa Cenvaree in the center of Bangkok, located at Centara Grand at CentralWorld (Chid Lom BTS). For more information or to make treatment reservations, please contact 02-100- 1234 ext. 6511, 6516 or email: