“Biogrow” increases the budget for marketing activity and new products in line with health and beauty trend, planning to grow 20%.


“Biogrow” increases the budget for marketing activity and new products in line with health and beauty trend, planning to grow 20%.

Miss Wariya Na Ranong, Chief Marketing Officer of Biogrow (TH) Co.,Ltd, which is the importer and distributor of health and beauty dietary supplements said, “Currently, Thais have paid more attention to their health and how to take care of themselves. The hustle of modern lifestyle requires products which can meet their need quickly. In addition, Thailand is becoming an ageing society. As a result, businesses related to health and beauty such as healthy food, supplements, cosmetics, hospitals, clinics, among others, continue to grow. At present, the total market of Thai food supplements topped Bt40 billion, up more than 10% from last year.

Biogrow, one of the main players in food supplements, health and beauty business in Thailand, has planned to continue investing this year by launching products and new activities to respond to the lifestyle of modern consumers. The company plans to spend approximately 15% of sales on marketing budget. The total revenue of the company this year is set to grow more than 20% or Bt220 million, 50% of which comes from vitamin business and the other 50% from food supplements.

At present, the company distributes the products at Watsons and leading pharmacies nationwide. It is also in the process of trial period to sell products overseas in Myanmar and Laos. In addition, the company has paid attention to research and development to create new products by allocating 5% of its annual sales revenue to develop products to better respond to the consumers’ need. Biogrow has focused on the quality of every product which is regarded as premium grade. Consequently, Biogrow’s sales revenue has enjoyed steady growth to become a top-three food supplement in Thailand now.

Recently the company launches the food supplements under beauty category named “Nutri JS L-Carnitine Plus”, which is weight control jelly with green apple flavor targeting overweight group. The highlight of the products is its ability to help accelerate fat burning by L-carnitine. FOS (fructo oligosaccharide) also helps improve the digesting system and nourish glowing skin at the same time. The research has found that obesity is one of the main problems of Thais. The number of people with obesity is increasing every year. The product concept focuses on convenience, tastefulness and portability. Simply tear open the pouch and enjoy. It responds to the lifestyle of urban people who focus on speed and convenience. Biotech Collagen Peptide, the company’s top-selling product, has recently won the annual best-selling products by Watsons Health, Wellness & Beauty Awards 2017, based on popularity and sales record at Watsons stores. This is a guarantee of product quality and positive response of consumers to the Biogrow brand.”

Miss Wariya also revealed the details of the company’s marketing activities this year. “The company has continually carried out marketing promotions and roadmaps in Bangkok and other provinces, while jointly organizing activities with shops to strengthen relationships and stimulate sales. In addition, to pay back to the customers on the occasion of the company 10th anniversary, which was celebrated in 2015, the company has launched the campaign for customers who buy Biogrow and bio-food products for Bt500 or more, they will be entitled to join the prize draw to win a package tour to Maldives, smartphones, iPads and Biogrow giftsets,” she said.

At the same time, the company has invited Thai people to pay tribute to the late His Majesty the King Rama IX by buying 5,000 sets of Biogrow Oryzanol Rice Bran and Germ Oil to donate part of the proceeds to the Chaipattana Foundation under the Royal Patronage.

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