Thailand joins force with ASEAN in driving toward greener energy community



Thailand joins force with ASEAN in driving toward greener energy community

Thailand’s Ministry of Energy General Anantaporn Kanjanarat joined other 10 energy ministers from 10 ASEAN countries in the 34th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meetings : 34th AMEM) held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, during September 21-22, 2016. The meeting runs under the topic “Towards Greener Community with Cleaner Energy” with a common aim at driving ASEAN to clean and environmental-friendly energy community.
General Anantaporn Kanjanarat revealed that the meeting agreed to release four joint statements on energy cooperation comprising the joint statement of 34th Meeting of 10 ASEAN Minister on Energy, the joint statement of the 13th ASEAN plus three (China, Japan and Korea) Energy Ministerial Meeting, the joint statement of the 10th East Asian Energy Ministers Meeting and the joint statement of the sixth Dialogue between the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Regarding the joint statement of the 10 ASEAN Minister on Energy, focus in on gearing up the development of renewable energy and the implementation under the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2010-2015 that targets on reducing energy intensity, building of energy security, creating power interconnectivity, enhancing energy efficiency and developing of clean energy in the region including the use of clean coal technology as well as the cooperation in infrastructure integration and energy market for the benefit of renewables and energy resources sharing within the region together with the sharing of human resource and energy and technical experts.
Considering ASEAN’s strategy on energy conservation and efficiency in particular, the member states have targeted to achieve 20% reduction of energy intensity by 2020 and escalate the percentage to 30% in 2030 while planned to intensify the use of renewable energy to 23% of energy mix in 2025 as an effort to achieve the region’s renewables goal. As for the infrastructure integration, ASEAN targeted to connect physical gas pipeline interconnection for a total 3,673 kilometers of distance under the bilateral cooperation for 6 countries and continue the regasification facilities for 6 stations with a total production capacity of

22.5 tonnes per annum. In addition, ASEAN also has a plan to expand ASEAN Power Grid: APG for eight projects totalling more than 1,700 MW.
General Anantaporn said that Thailand gaining a score from the meeting which offers the opportunity for information exchange and competency improvement through negotiation with other member countries. Delegates from Thailand also gained experience from discussions on energy conservation, renewable energy, nuclear and clean energy as well as clean coal technology while also have a chance to learn about the ASEAN Renewable Energy Outlook.
Moreover, General Anantaporn also revealed that Thailand will sign in a Memorandum of Understanding on the LTM on Power Integration Project with Lao PDR and Malaysia to study the feasibility of the power trade beyond neighbouring borders upon equality and common interest. This regional interconnectivity can contribute towards energy security in the region. This examining cross border power trade will limited at up to 100MW between Lao PDR, Thailand and Malaysia following implementation under the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. Interestingly, during 2016-2020, Thailand will have the opportunity to talk on energy cooperation with various countries and organization including Cambodia, China, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, or ERIA, and the International Energy Agency, or IEA, on how to enhance energy security together.
The next 35th AMEM meeting is scheduled during late 2017 and the event will be held in the Philippines.
Separately, there was an announcement of the ASEAN Energy Awards 2016 at the AMEM Gala Dinner organized alongside the 34th AMEM meeting on the night of September 21. At the event, Thailand held a great success with wining 16 awards out of 47 in total. In addition, five Thai energy experts and veterans were also granted ASEAN Individual Excellence in Energy Management Awards which reflect their dedication and effort for the development of energy industry in Thailand. They are Mr Chavalit Pichalai, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Energy Ministry, Mrs. Amaraporn Achawangkool ,Energy Effciency Expert (Department of Alternative

Energy Development and Efficiency) Mr Suriyan Aphiraksattyakul, Deputy Director-General, Department of Mineral Fuels, , Mr. Soonchai Kumnoonsate, Governor of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and Mr Pairin Chuchotetavorn, former President and Chief Executive Officer of PTT Plc.