“Mango Festival”



“Mango Festival”

The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel, Welcome to the summer with Mango lovers “MangoFestival”, it’s the best time to enjoy the true flavors of locally grown mangoes at Grand Café, from now until April 30, 2016.
Variety of mango menu such as Marinated Fresh Salmon with Dill and Vodka Served with Spicy Green Mango Salad, Counter Cut Mackerel Fish and Fried Served with Spicy Green Mango Salad, Crispy Thai Fried Egg Topped with Spicy Green Mango Salad, Stick Rice with Mango and Coconut Cream, Mango Pudding and many more for you to enjoy on summer are also available at all restaurant. Start price at THB 90++. Serve every day.
For more information and reservations, Please call 0-2378-8000 ext.4130