แข่งขันประกวดแผนธุรกิจ The Henkel Innovation Challenge (HIC6)


For the sixth year, we proudly present:

I would like to grasp this opportunity to recap this program once more

The Henkel Innovation Challenge (HIC6)

This international business game is an ideal opportunity for students to demonstrate their creativity and develop a business plan for a new product or technology for a Henkel brand.

We would highly appreciate your involvement and support in promoting this unique opportunity!
The registration period opens on September, 2012, until December 2012.

·        How students can participate:

  • Apply online as a team of 2 students – with CVs including pictures and one motivation letter  (at www.henkelchallenge.com)
  • Describe innovation for a sustainable product or technology, by answering a few questions online.

Register by December 12, 2012. The best teams will develop their own idea supported by Henkel mentors and present it in front of a Henkel top-level management jury.
The top teams selected in national semi-finals will be invited to the international final in Shanghai, for the final round of the challenge.

As final prize, the 1st place winning team will receive a ticket around the world worth 10.000€.

·        Benefits for students:

  • Get to know one of the world’s leading Companies
  • Demonstrate their creative potential and innovative approach
  • Translate theoretical knowledge into practice, with the support of mentor
  • Network with Henkel managers and top managers and have fun
  • Prove their presentation, inter cultural and social skills
  • Compete with the best students in the international final on April 2013

The winning team will receive a ticket around the world!

·        Which support we expect from you:

  • Place link or banner on your website (Pls be noted for “overview”, “rule of participate” as well as “banner” as attachment)

Yours faithfully,

Your Henkel Innovation Challenge Team



Download   Overview    Rules of Participations HIC6